Monday, September 1, 2008

The Nixon Tapes (A gift that keeps on giving)

Watch Nixon go on a racist, anti-semitic rant on this youtube video. Its absolutely fascinating to listen to.


DebunkingZionism said...

I dont agree with either. I was exposing Nixon's bigotry...youre not very perceptive, are you? Emotion isn't a substitute for rational, you know...

Abu Foxman said...

My mistake given all the one liners you post as proof of um I don't know nothing, your hatred for Jews, how poorly you explain anything you post. The general manner in which nothing on your blog seems connected to any of the other posts. I thought your posting of that video was where you where going to start the Jews oops I mean Zionist control the world meme. I wonder if you can find any documents on that topic on the internet or down the local library.

DebunkingZionism said...

And there it was, the expected accusation of anti-semitism. I know, youd rather shift the subject of Israel's record to me and whether Im an anti-semite or not. I understand why you wouldn't want people looking at Israel's record-if I was a supporter I wouldnt either.